Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jamey Rodemeyer

C3. The death of Jamie Rodemeyer is nothing but an unnecessary tragedy.  I can’t even imagine saying the words that were said to Jamey, let alone having it be about me. The internet has changed our society in such bad ways when it comes to this particular situation. The website Formspring was a website that should have never been thought of.  Why would anyone think of a website where you can post whatever you want to anyone you want and have them never know who you are..? I think bullying has just gotten ten times worse than what it used to be and not enough are attempting to do anything about it. This isn’t the first time that suicide has happened because of bullying, it’s just one of the few times that it’s been announced nationally. Children/people are getting meaner and more careless.  It’s such a shame that more people don’t take action so that tragedy’s like this can’t be prevented.  In today’s world, many don’t know how much words can hurt; the kids that bullied Jamey knew exactly what they were doing and how bad it hurt Jamey. For the fact that after Jamey decided to commit suicide they were cheering and saying “I’m glad he killed himself”, it’s so wrong to me; I can’t fathom how any person could be so mean to someone who didn’t do anything to deserve it. In high school, especially freshman year is hard to fit in and find friends, Jamey seemed careless and he wasn’t afraid to be himself, but kids couldn’t accept it. Most high school kids do whatever it takes in order for them to fit in and get through a day. People are mean today, so mean that people that are brave enough to be themselves are ending up dying before they got the chance to see the real world.

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