1. There’s a lot of people in this world that take things they have and people that they have in their life for granted. I am definitely one of the people that do both of these things. I take my parents for granted so much. My parents have always been there for me doing as much as they can to make me happy. I honestly never realized how much they do for me until I stepped back and actually looked. The worst part of it, I hardly say thank you to either of them. It’s like, AI just expect them to do these things for me because they’re my parents. Looking at the situation now I realize that they don’t have to do any of these things. I’ll get in a fight with my Mom and I finally realize why she gets so upset and mad about them. We’ll spend the day together and something will happen that will cause a fight between us. She’ll spend so much money on me and then I’ll get an attitude. The problem is that in today’s world, money is often buying people’s happiness. Although, there’s so many people that I would do so much for. Most people just expect it though, that’s what I hate. For example, my friend said that he had to work on his Birthday and I felt bad because he was upset that he had to. I drove to his work with balloons and a card to make his work day a little better and when I got there to give to him, he didn’t even say thank you; he just expected it. It’s not something he should have expected because I was surprising myself by doing it. It’s just ridiculous how unthankful people are. By doing things for others, I realize that I’m putting myself in my parents’ shoes; this is how I make them feel. It may be a little different but it’s an awful feeling to go out of your way for someone and not even receive a thank you. People are really selfish and self-centered; I know that I am definitely like this and I’ve never wanted to change more.
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