I had it all, my life was perfect. I finally made it as a doctor, making millions of dollars and helping people each day of my life. I’ve moved to Florida, had a mansion right on the beach. This is everything I wanted, I was successful. I felt as if I didn’t deserve it though. Ever since that one day, in ninth grade, when I told that boy he wasn’t good enough to talk to, me I feel this regret. We were young and stupid then, I’m sure he forgot all about it. I’ve helped my parent’s pay all their bills, including their house off, I’ve made sure that everyone in my life was okay and more than happy. There wasn’t one thing I wouldn’t do for anyone, whatever it took, I’d do it. I went to Penn State College for four years, transferred to University of Buffalo to get my PHD and finish up my doctoral degree. I’ve accomplished so much to get where I am at today and it’s worth it. I went to the beach with some friends and the current were stronger than usual. My friends and I were boogie boarding and I got stuck in the currents, I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t escape the water! I tried to pull my way up above the water, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t escape, each time my arms fought back; it would send me out further and push me down harder and harder. The last thing I remember is seeing a boat coming towards me... I woke up on the beach, a man pushing on my chest and stomach saying “1 and 2 1 and 2” again “3 4 3 4, stay with me man, gotta be strong.” I suddenly woke up, I saw a man I thought I recognized. There were twenty; maybe more people hovering over me, I was in complete shock. The man that saved my life was the man from ninth grade, the man that I told wasn’t good enough to talk to me. “AHHHHHHHHHH” I woke up screaming in my bed. I never should have said that to Jimmy, he didn’t deserve it. I’m no better than anyone else; I don’t know why I did that.
What I realized when I woke up in my bed a four in the morning was that, I’m only in ninth grade and I have my entire life figured out; life is too short to be mean. I couldn’t stop thinking; I just wanted it to be time to wake up so I could tell Jimmy sorry. The next day, I made sure the first thing I did was find Jimmy and apologized. Jimmy told me it hurt his feelings but he thought it was true, he made it known that he had always looked up to me. That was the first and last day, I’d ever treat someone like dirt.
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